Hi Human!

I'm Sadrach 'Sasa'

I’m a Personal Development Coach, Public Speaker, and Investor, focussing on helping those who feel stuck have a breakthrough. My soul purpose is to Guide, Inspire, and Motivate you so that you can Thrive, Be Genuinely Happy, and live a life full of Fulfillment.

This is my story of where I started, why and how I chose the path of Coaching what that meant for my life, and where it led me.

Let's start at the beginning...

I was born in Curaçao on the 4th of August, 1992. I was raised by both of my parents, along with my 3 older siblings. Unlike my dad, my mom is a Christian and therefore religion had a huge influence on my upbringing – from going to church to going to a Christian elementary school. My mom gave me the biblical name “Sadrach”, which originates from Daniel Chapter 3.

In my journey of discovering what my religion means to me, I came to the conclusion that I carry God in my heart, no matter where I go and that’s what matters to me most. Reading the Bible makes me calm and confident that I’m on the right track. Even though I don’t go to church every Sunday, I do love the vibe and good music. My religion gives me the tools of wisdom and knowledge to reach my goals, and that same wisdom and knowledge I’ll use in guiding, inspiring, and motivating you. But let me say this, just because my source is the Bible, it doesn’t mean I am here to convert you. I just want to discover with you how you can tap into your source so you can learn how to Thrive, Genuinely be Happy, and live a life full of Fulfillment!

Another thing that plays a huge part in my life is music. As a kid, I taught myself how to play the drums by watching the drummer who used to play in church. Eventually, I attended a talent show in church where I performed a Christian rap song with 2 others: me playing the drums, the other girl and boy sang, and I also did the rap part. I’m smiling so big right now while I write this because it was such a fun thing to do and I accomplished what I wanted at the time: to be able to play the drums every Sunday in church!

Through my dad, I learned to love bachata, a genre of Latin American music that was born as a fusion between Merengue, Bolero, and Son Cubano. Bachata is very popular in Curaçao since we have a lot of Spanish influences from countries like Venezuela (which is only 65 km/40 miles away), Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, etc. On top of that, Curaçao is a country with multiple languages and most inhabitants are bilingual. Papiamento is the native language, Dutch is taught because Curaçao is a country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, we speak English and as I mentioned before, Spanish.

My home country Curaçao is known for its beautiful clear blue water and white beaches. Great if you love snorkeling, scuba diving, or just relaxing and listening to the ocean! They used to call me “Piska di awa”, which means “fish of the sea”. I learned how to swim at a very young age and that’s basically where people could find me: in the water. It makes me feel free and like I can conquer the world. The only thing that’s missing is being able to breathe underwater like aqua-men and communicate with the fishes!

The first time I went on vacation to Europe was in 2013. It almost felt like a calling (where are my Manifest fans at?!) and I just knew I had to be there. After my vacation, I went back to Curaçao and within 6 weeks after that, I returned to the Netherlands to find myself a place to stay. Here is where I had the chance to grow and chase my dreams. There I’ve learned that, with little to nothing, I can still create something amazing. I met my mentors, whom I call my Dutch parents, in 2014. They have their own successful business and I had the opportunity to work for them and grow my skills and knowledge when it comes to entrepreneurship and investing. I am forever grateful that they took me under their wings and taught me all these things because it gave me a clearer mindset and more vivid goals, dreams, and aspirations. It all led to who I am today, which is a better, wiser, more capable Sadrach Martiena than EVER before!

My Wake-Up Call

When I first moved to the Netherlands I wasn’t sure what I meant to do, Today I can say I wandered while living there for at least four years. I was growing but not at a pace that was efficient, scaleable, and or effective. My time was being spent more on avoiding, and running away from home. I was unhappy, high 24/7, discouraged, out of shape, angry, and broke.

As a result on the 23rd of March 2017 sitting in my apartment, my heart started pounding real fast, I didn’t know nor understand what was happening. I LEGIT thought I was going to die! I can definitely laugh about it now but on that day, man I could have sworn that I would die.

My whole life passed in front of my eyes, everything I’ve done and didn’t do. Things I wanted to achieve, people I’ve failed, things I wanted to say and share. Simply put FUKED UP!

I thought well if I’m going to die I may as well try to save my own life, so I called the ambulance.

Yes that's me(and my mom), wasn't I a cutie. 😝

When they came, they did some checkups and told me I was fine but that what I experienced was a Panic Attack call. I thought wtf?! A what?, NO WAY!
I’m the most chilled, relaxed person you’ll ever meet there is no way I had a panic attack.
Complete denial!

On that same weekend, I had to visit my Dutch parents, and I told them what happened. The first thing they told me was: Sasa this is your wake-up call. Yeah right, no sh!t…. To me, they didn’t understand that my body failed, God failed everything failed me.
I spent the next three months of my life in a very dark place, I was mad at everything and everyone. All I saw was negativity, and not being a negative person this was so bizarre to me.

But it was what felt safe to me at that time.
And on one occasion one of my Dutch parents approached me and said: Sasa you have two choices:
One: Either you keep complaining and don’t do anything to change your life
Two: You go out there and start making changes in your life.

And I clearly chose number two! I didn’t want to continue in this unhealthy behavior I was in.
All I knew was something had to change…

Let the Healing Begin...

After I choose to change my life for the better, that took me down a rabbit hole of a lot of traumas, pain, anger, and sorrow that I carried with me for years.
Things that I didn’t know I had, but that were weighing on me a lot. These were things that prevented me from growing and moving forward because I didn’t heal from them. I didn’t address them I pushed them aside, which is very unhealthy!

I had to ask myself so many uncomfortable questions, put myself in uncomfortable situations, let some relationships fall, change what I consume, and have (uncomfortable) conversations with my parents.

But because I did these I could start healing, I could find the origin of many things I struggled with in the past, knowing why I have certain patterns and behaviour that I couldn’t explain before.
It opened my eyes as to how clueless I was about myself, my past, and my future. And changed my focus to understanding and most importantly accepting my past, my present, and my future.
This has helped me to change my inner voice, it changed my perspective of how I perceived my thoughts, emotions, and feelings…

On the Discovery Path

When I realized how much I was missing and how much I could achieve I planned out where I wanted to be in the future. With the help of books, podcasts, and courses I started getting an idea of what I could do. I started to see possibilities. I knew where I wanted to go and achieve just not how exactly yet.

So I give myself the best chance possible by trying new things. This guided me to join 
Toastmasters, create content on Instagram, network with like-minded people, start my first business, and cancel my rent.

I remember canceling my rent without having a place to go, I spent three nights sleeping in the company car, I LOVED IT BTW, and it gave me a glimpse of what it meant to live in a campervan. The next seven months were one of the best months of my whole entire life! I completely went down the path of self-discovery, doing things I wanted to do, even if it meant on a small scale.

But it showed me if what I was seeking really was what I wanted and if it aligned with my values, vision, and dreams.
That’s why I like the saying “If you never try you never know”, by trying you’re experiencing. It creates emotions and feelings in you and you use that to tap into what it means for and to you so that you either multiply it or let it go.

Because of this, I’ve learned a ton about myself and others. It showed me that there are indeed a lot of people on this planet who are suffering and who see no way out. And that is a shame…

Living in Purpose...

Through discovery, I’ve become more aligned with my true self!
What my true calling is, my true purpose, which is Coaching. I’ve spent years running away from it, many years shying away from guiding, inspiring, and motivating others.

But enough is enough he?! 😄

I’ve made it my life purpose to help guide others so they can live a life full of fulfillment!
Going from being broke, unhappy, and unfulfilled to living in my true purpose and aligning my actions with my goals, I want everyone to have that, period!
The feeling that every day when you wake up you feel, motivated, inspired, and happy to confront the day because you know you are in control!

Being aware that your happiness, nothing or no one can take that away from you.
Today I am committed to serving others, guiding them to align with their true self, take back control, and conquer their dreams! By healing, gaining clarity, and creating your future.

My services expand from one-on-one coaching to online courses, presentations, and public speaking.
I want you to be HAPPY, I want you to be SUCCESSFUL, and I want you to THRIVE! 🤗❤️

I’ll keep it here, as you can see my journey is far from over! I still have a lot to do on this planet, if you want to follow along that would be great and maybe one day we may even meet in person and we can talk about your personal journey.

Thanks for taking the time and pass by, I appreciate it!
Take care and talk soon! 🤗󰜵

With Love,
Sasa Martiena
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